I am working on OpenXML SDK 2.0 for Word document and excel file processing. Now I am working towards copying excel sheet data into a Word document and this can be done using
Microsoft.Interop.Office but which works only if MS-office is installed. If it is done using OpenXML then it will work in Non-MSoffice environment also.
I am following 2 approaches towards this.
(1) Reading sharedStringTablepart, getting excel sheet cell values and adding these to a DataTable and writing this table to a new Word document. This way I can get output but it contains the table with cell values.But I need to retain the table style/format as in excel sheet.
(2) Embedding an excel file into a word document .I referred below link to do this functionality but OpenXML 2.0 is not supporting DocumentFormat.OpenXml.Vml.BooleanValues.
Kindly suggest some solution as soon as possible.