We have an application developed in .net 3.5. The functionality where in user can create an excel spreadsheet using this application and populate the details from the database. User can access this application either by logging into the server (where this application is hosted through RDP connection) or through her local workstations.
The issue faced here is – The user is able to create the excel spreadsheet in the application by logging into the server, but when she tries to create at her local workstation, she gets the below error. Client application developer has pointed that this could be COM/DCOM related issue (may be not, we are unsure on this).
This functionality works for X user in one workstation and doesn’t work in other machine. And others in the same machine where it works for the X user.
Could you please help us in resolving this issue?
1) Exception Information
Message: Unable to authenticate user.
ErrorID: SEC1
Exception Type: S6.BusinessProcess.SECURE.AuthenticationException
MachineName: UK01DS6D013
CreatedDateTime: 7.10.2011 13:03:22
Domain: ACEINA
Data: System.Collections.ListDictionaryInternal
TargetSite: Void pValidateUser()
Source: S6.Arch
StackTrace Information
at S6.BusinessProcess.SECURE.PrincipalProcess.pValidateUser() in e:\qa\Build_R4\VS\S6.Arch\S6.SECURE\S6.BusinessProcess.SECURE\PrincipalProcess.cs:line 154
at S6.BusinessProcess.SECURE.PrincipalProcess..ctor(IC2_OPERATORByLoginCredentialsKey key, Int32 systemComponent, Int32 accessMedium, Boolean isPwdLnkClicked) in e:\qa\Build_R4\VS\S6.Arch\S6.SECURE\S6.BusinessProcess.SECURE\PrincipalProcess.cs:line 251
at S6.Web.Utility.Authenticator.LogonAndRedirect(String domain, String userID, String password, String url, Int32 systemComponent, Boolean isPwdLnkClicked) in e:\qa\Build_R4\VS\S6.Web\Utility\Authenticator.cs:line 211
at S6.Web.Controls.S6LogOn.AuthenticateAndRedirect() in e:\qa\Build_R4\VS\S6.Web\Controls\S6LogOn.cs:line 822
********************************* EXCEPTION *****************************
System6 Release:
System6 Config: FINLAND - Mark for Finland
Database: ic2fi
ExceptionManager.MachineName: UK01DS6D013
ExceptionManager.TimeStamp: 2011-10-07 13:06:52
ExceptionManager.FullName: Microsoft.ApplicationBlocks.ExceptionManagement, Version=1.0.3218.26579, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null
ExceptionManager.AppDomainName: /LM/W3SVC/4/ROOT/CMS-2-129624625917475410
ExceptionManager.ThreadIdentity: ACEINA\MRLIND
ExceptionManager.WindowsIdentity: NT AUTHORITY\NETWORK SERVICE
Reply 1:
Give rights to everyone on the server to create an excel spreadsheet.
I think you are storing spreadsheet on server space that’s why this problem is coming.
Reply 2:
Microsoft doesn’t recommend using office object model to generate office documents in a server environment. You need to use Open XML SDK to generate excel spreadsheets in a server.