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Unified Field Theory of Self-Aware Consciousness

Written By M.L on ஞாயிறு, 30 செப்டம்பர், 2012 | செப்டம்பர் 30, 2012

Einstein coined the term ‘Unified Field’. While Einstein is well known for his theories of Relativity (General & Special) and photoelectric effect, few people hardly know that he spent 40 years of his life working on the still incomplete Unified Field theory. It is also called the theory of everything or the Grand Unified Theory. Einstein attempted to combine Relativity theories which deal with objects on a planetary scale and Quantum Theories which deal with objects on a quantum scale into a single theory. This is an area where still lot of research is going on (Eg. Stephen Hawking’s String Theory) and an important focus area of theoretical physics. 9

Recent developments in Quantum Cosmology and the SuperString Unified Field Theory have lent more support to this Unified Field Theory. It has been discovered that all the known forms of natural energy in the world – electromagnetic energy, gravitational energy, light energy, heat energy, nuclear energy, potential energy, kinetic energy, electrical energy, sound, friction, etc. are merely different representations of one single energy called the ‘Unified Field Energy’.
This Unified Field of Natural law is found to be all pervading and all inclusive. Everyone and everything is part of this Unified Field. This Unified Field which can also be termed as absolute ‘pure consciousness’ is found to be self-aware, conscious, omniscient, all knowing and all powerful. This is where it gets very interesting. This Unified Field can be imagined as the Universal Mind (Paramatma or Supersoul) which many spiritualists have talked about for centuries.
And since we as individual minds (Jeevatma) are also part of this Universal Mind, it is possible to tap into the infinite power of this Universal Mind. Our unconscious mind is already part of this Universal mind.
The three major levels of consciousness of the human mind are represented in the diagram below.
If we are the individual mind, then our limbs, senses and all the objects that we see through our consciousness are the common language and interfaces through which we communicate with other individual minds. There is also a built-in security layer in the brain or individual mind. It is our Conscience. There are four levels of conscious mind:

1. Conscious Mind
– This is active whenever we are awake and fully conscious. This is where all the conscious thinking and some subconscious (suppressed) thinking occurs. The conscious mind is the major source of thought waves and thought energy.
2. The Conscience
– It is that ‘little voice’ which we hear inside the back of our head. It tells us what is right and what is wrong and helps us to retain our morality, values systems and beliefs. It acts as the filter or the security layer before any thought enters into our subconscious mind from our conscious mind.
3. Subconscious Mind
The subconscious mind is active at all times even when we are asleep. It has stored long term memories like as if they were movies and it has programs for everything like sending electrical signals to make our heart beat every second, controlling digestion, etc. Some programs which are learnt and well ingrained in the conscious mind also get moved to the subconscious mind like for example, walking, cycling, swimming, driving, reading, etc.
One major characteristic of the subconscious mind is that it does not
have the ability to distinguish between the good and bad. Whatever thought comes into the subconscious mind from the conscious mind, it will merely execute irrespective of the consequences and whether it is good or bad. It will interact with the unconscious mind and tap into its infinite power to execute the thoughts or programs in hand.
4. Unconscious Mind
– The unconscious mind is instinctual and is directly connected to the universal mind. As already mentioned, the universal mind is self-aware, all-knowing, omniscient, omnipotent and omnipresent. It interacts with the subconscious mind to take care of the ‘how’ of thoughts, i.e., the actual execution of the thoughts to achieve the intended goal. 10
Diagram 1: Passage of Thoughts through the different layers of the mind
*Id, Ego & SuperEgo – Corresponding Terms in Freud’s Theory of PsychoAnalysis. We need to focus only on the outcome or the end results. The outcome can be as detailed and accurate as possible. The ‘How’ of achieving it or doing it will be taken care by the infinite knowledge and powers vested with the unconscious mind. It may be presumptuous to dictate the how of doing something also to the unconscious mind.

 Everything is linked by Energy – We are all one The Unified Field Theory of Self-Aware Consciousness also implies that we are all linked to each other. Everything in the Universe is one. This is where the concept of love propagated by all the great religious scriptures becomes very meaningful. (For Eg. Jesus: ‘Love thy neighbor as you would love yourself’). Yet mankind is separated by several minor aspects such as race, ethnicity, culture, religion, caste, etc. and is continuously at war with each other. If only we could realize the futility of fighting among ourselves, far more greater achievements would be possible for the human race. It can be demonstrated mathematically that all the energy in the known universe including the distant galaxies can be encompassed in the tremendous hidden energy of the vast spaces inside a single atom.



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